Charlie's TiddlyWiki Documentation
Charlie Venoit has started a new documentation site!
I'll be using lingo that I find easier to understand/relate.
If you are interested, even if just for the giggles, get a hold of me.
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TiddlyWiki Newsletter Now on Substack
Subscribe to the new TiddlyWiki Newsletter for a fortnightly summary of the the most interesting and relevant news from the TiddlyWiki community
Jeremy Ruston on Fission Demo Day May 2021
From the Fission May 2021 Demo Day, Jeremy talks about working with Fission and demos his work, some recent experiments with converting ePub books into fully annotatable TiddlyWikis, and Boris announces funding for a core file upload plugin.
Ben Webber's New Plugin Library
Hi all,
I’ve been working on a plugin library for a while and I feel it’s mature enough to share:
These are all small plugins I’ve extracted from my own wikis. If you find them useful too, that’s even better!
Plugin developers may find the code interesting. I use TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. Each plugin avoids polluting the global macro namespace as much as possible using private macros. motion and tag-count are interesting examples of more advanced hacking, but some of the pure wikitext ones are pretty interesting too.
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In Development Plugin: Owl's Import
In Development Use At Own Risk TiddlyWiki5 plugin to change image import behavior. Rather than saving as embedded images, importing images will save them externally. Written for Node.js
Modern.TiddlyDev is a one-click development environment for various TiddlyWiki plug-in developers built on a modern front-end technology stack.
- by Sttot
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A server implementation in goling for TiddlyWiki, base on TiddlyWeb plugin for tiddler store (for saved tiddlers).
TW Receiver - Updated
TW Receiver is a TiddlyWiki plugin used for saving to a PHP based server.
Added Zip compress / decompress on send
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Tips & Tricks
A New Glossary Solution
Scott Sauyet presents an easy to use solution via a macro and a stylesheet.
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Every way to use images in TiddlyWiki
A passion project by twMat.
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How to identify & override appearance with CSS in TiddlyWiki
Nearby Neighbors A WikiText Solution
Nearby neighbors are a list of tiddlers related to the current tiddler which share some properties. This thread demonstrates a wikitext solution to display the nearby neighbors through a view template at the bottom of each non system tiddler.
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Nearby Neighbors Plugin POC release
Nearest Neighbors is a simple plug-in to add a footer to tiddlers listing other tiddlers that are close to it using a metric involving relations between links, tags, and fields.
This is in a very early, proof-of-concept stage.
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