Showcase: Philosopher Life
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Archive copy current as of 27 Dec 2022 here
Tiddler-counter & Linked-Tiddlers
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Tids-to-Table : Generate tables from filters
Proudly unleashing:
This replaces both list-rows and the much earlier list-table-draggable.
Tids-to-Table is simple to use, basically you type
and you get a little setup form where you fill in the tiddler filter and other settings. The output is a table based on the tiddlers from the filter.This uses the dynamic power of filters and templates and the fundamentals of html so really complex tables can be generated. This is way more powerful than wikitext pipe
tables and way more efficient than building static html tables. Try it out, I’m pretty sure you’ll like it.-twMat
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Tips & Tricks
TOC or Tree that uses filters instead of tags
Something I think would be really helpful is the ability to pass filter notation to the tree macro or the toc macros.
Something like
<<tree filter:"[creator[JohnDoe]]">>
(or similar but using the toc macros) which would create a tree of all tiddlers made by JohnDoe, so that you can still follow the same title format as the core tiddlers which won’t break things like custom config tiddlers, and not need to worry about tagging them, and for some tiddlers finding a different method to find them since you can’t tag them (journal config tiddlers for example)How could the core tree (or toc) macro be modified to use this over requiring a tag?
- Justin_H
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Download Solution by Mark_S here
Wilk-tweaks, my collection of TW tweaks, settings, styles, and palettes
I’d like to share my small collection of TiddlyWiki tweaks, settings, styles, palettes etc. that I use across my wikis. These are mostly small modifications that would not make much sense as plugins, but they took enough time to make/adjust/find that I want to keep them for future reference and share. There is a short explanation or simple usage example for each of them.
Discussion here
Collection here