Curating Editions on
What are TiddlyWiki editions and why are they useful?
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several distinct editions that are tuned for specific purposes.
An edition consists of the TiddlyWiki core components along with plugins, documentation and sample content to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution for your particular application.
On the forum we are inviting users to nominate third party editions for listing on Please see discussion here.
The example that prompted the discussion was “TiddlyWiki Xp” by Keaton Lao:
It aggregates the best third party plugins for TiddlyWiki and adds some very powerful extensions of its own:
Is TiddlyWiki written in itself?
“Tiddlywiki is written in itself […] the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki […] is all constructed out of wiki text primitives”
The most important philosophy of TiddlyWiki is that the purpose of recording information is to re-use it, and TW proposes that the best way to optimise information for reuse is to cut it up into the smallest semantic units. One can then use links, lists and tags to weave the fragments together into multiple overlapping narratives.
The observation about TiddlyWiki being written in itself relates to some secondary principles:
that the individual needs of users are all different, and so it is not respectful to try to impose the same user interface on every user that users are not generally in a position to know up front what their ideal user interface looks like that the most efficient way for users to figure out precisely what they need is by iteratively modifying the user interface themselves
We address these needs by making wikitext powerful enough to be able to implement TiddlyWiki’s entire user interface.
To address your specific questions:
If I understand correctly, this means that TiddlyWiki is based on a “small” set of text primitives, that could be implemented in any underlying user interface language (for example Elm, or emacs lisp)
That’s right. As others have pointed out, the target platform of TiddlyWiki is the browser, and so even if TiddlyWiki were to be rewritten in a different language it would still need a web browser (or an emulation of one)
Are there any different backend for implementing these primitives other than HTML+Javascript?
The only available implementation of the TiddlyWiki primitives is currently JavaScript, targeting HTML.
Another example of an interesting backend could be Jupyter Notebook, maybe bringing together the wiki-style documentation with the Data Science exploratory data analysis.
I am not familiar with the internals of Jupyter Notebook, but given the fact that it manifests itself as an interactive web page it must include JavaScript in its implementation. If that’s true, then the simplest path to integration might be to integrate the existing JS implemention of TiddlyWiki.
- Jeremy Ruston
Full Discussion here
TiddlyWiki in SecondLife
Just wanted to give some kudos to the developers for a job well done.
I was playing SecondLife 6 which allows the ability to load web pages as a texture on 3D models. Typically these are static HTML files being served but I started to wonder if instead it could be a TiddlyWiki. One of the issues is that the web views lag far behind the green field browsers and the user agent is not your typical user agent so most server based pages break with more modern JS and User Agent sniffing.
But with TiddlyWiki it works perfectly, I tried both the main site and my personal blog site both which are pretty hefty single page TW documents. I was elated that they just worked out right.
Again, Thank you so much for developing a product that is so useful and also so flexible that it can be used in so many ways. It truly is the very definition of what the Web was originally all about.
Discussion here
Gitgraph in TiddlyWiki
I created a new plugin tw-gitgraph to show git-graph in tiddlywiki
tw-gitgraph is a wrapper for gitgraph.js to display gitgraph figure in TiddlyWiki.
Demo and codes can be found here:
Code: GitHub - byzheng/tw-gitgraph: gitgraph.js for tiddlywiki
- Bangyou Zheng
Discussion here
URL Import Gadget
Creates a drop zone in edit mode for links and automatically adds a wikitext title.
by Charlie Venoit
Discussion here
Video here
Files here
Yaisog's TimeTracker
This is a work-in-progress demo site for Yaisog's TimeTracker / Calendar.
It was originally conceived as a time-tracking tool for the current day, with weekly or monthly summaries for the time spent on various projects.
With a little love (from someone else) this could be extended into a calendar thingy. I currently have no intention to develop it in this direction, as I have no use for another calendar tool.
Discussion here
Plugin & Demo here
Tips & Tricks
Filter Maker and Power Search
Click on the “hammer-and-screwdriver” icon.
To select from a droplist of saved custom filters and pre-defined shadow filters, click on the “Filters” heading. Or, manually enter any custom filter syntax directly into the text input control.
Once a filter syntax has been created, entered or selected, it will show a list of matching tiddler titles, which can then be further filtered by searching selected fields for matching text or a regexp pattern.
There is a heading above the list of tiddlers that shows the number and total size of matching tiddlers. Clicking that heading will show a more detailed summary that includes “last change”, “newest created”, “oldest created”, “smallest” and “largest”.
This list of matching tiddlers can also be sorted by title, size, created date, or modified date in ascending or descending order.
In the top-right of the TiddlyTools/Search/Filters interface, there are “bulk action” buttons that allow you to tag, clone, export or delete the matching tiddler titles.
- Eric Shulman
Discussion here
Site here
Notes from the Editor
If you have any comments, feedback, suggestions, etc. please use the comment button below. This newsletter is for you, and we’d love to hear your thoughts.
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